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Setup with CMake


You only have to choose one of the following variants. We suggest to take the first alternative.

Alternative 1: CMake Package Installation for CMake Projects and Projects without Build System

Download the repository and create a configuration.

git clone
mkdir pxart-cmake-build
cd pxart-cmake-build
cmake ../pxart
Optionally, build and run the tests.
cmake --build .
ctest --verbose
Install the library and the CMake package.
sudo cmake --build . --target install
To uninstall the library do the following.
sudo cmake --build . --target uninstall
Because the library consists only of header files, the following can be omitted. But it is recommended to do it otherwise, such that all dependencies are stated explicitly. In the appropriate CMakeLists.txt file, use find_package(pxart) to find the library and link with the imported target pxart::pxart by using target_link_libraries. The following code shows an example.
find_package(pxart REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE pxart::pxart)

Alternative 2: CMake Package Export from Build Configuration for CMake Projects

Download the repository and create a configuration.

git clone
mkdir pxart-cmake-build
cd pxart-cmake-build
cmake ../pxart
Through the standard CMake package export you can externally use the library from the build tree. In the appropriate CMakeLists.txt file, use find_package(pxart) to find the library and link with the imported target pxart::pxart by using target_link_libraries. The following code shows an example.
find_package(pxart REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE pxart::pxart)

Last update: January 18, 2021